by Neil Oughton | May 20, 2023 | Latest News
Adventure film making students from our Lancaster campus have been adventuring out again recently completing “Miles without stiles 50: Orrest Head”. This route (3.5km round trip) summits the fell Orrest Head. The occasionally challenging route with some...
by Neil Oughton | May 15, 2023 | Latest News
Art students at our Lancaster Campus currently have an exhibition at the The Gregson Centre in Lancaster. There are 12 pieces being shown, ranging from paintings, pen and ink line drawings, portraiture, abstract art and digital art. They are up until the end of the...
by Neil Oughton | May 10, 2023 | Latest News
Students at our Skippool site in Blackpool have been designing and making kites as part of their outdoor wellbeing sessions. The weather was perfect by the beach for a test flight!
by Neil Oughton | May 8, 2023 | Latest News
Students from Beaumont College South Lakes took part in an exciting activity in Old Hall Woods, Bouth, Cumbria. They worked with Back On Our Map and Morecambe Bay Partnership to take part in a unique experience with Dan Fox of Sound Intervention. Dan is a specialist...
by Ambito Care | Mar 28, 2023 | Latest News
A huge congratulations to Speech and Language Technician Lynn Spragg who has recently qualified as a Makaton Tutor. Lynn says “I’m really looking forward to being able to roll out more Makaton training, so all our students can be supported in their communication...
by Ambito Care | Mar 27, 2023 | Latest News
Students participating in media at our Barrow campus have been busy exploring different types of materials to include in their projects. Saskia has been making her very own Dora the Explorer out of modelling clay. The finished piece could then go on to be used in a...