• Advertising Start Date: – 29 Jan 2025
  • Division: – Education
  • Location: – Lancaster
  • Salary Details: – £11.60 – £12.85 per hour
  • About The Company:

    Beaumont College is a very special place. We provide highly personalised pathways for special school leavers, and we support them in the journey to become adults, and to live independent and fulfilling lives as far as possible.

    Many students attend college as a residents students. College Support Workers work directly with students, and developing the insight, skills and competencies to support students to thrive as young adults. Students are all special school leavers, with ambitious visions for busy fulfilling lives at and beyond college. Students are considered to have special educational needs and disabilities. Our students follow a pathway relevant to their starting points, and student support workers can develop specialist knowledge behaviours and skills in working with individuals who have complex, multiple and profound disabilities, through to those who aspire to gain paid or voluntary employment. 

    As a specialist post-16 college setting with residential accommodation, we have a wide range of health professionals including nurses, occupational therapists, speech and language specialists, physiotherapists and eating and drinking specialists, along with an ethos to support and promote positive behaviours. Residential College Support Workers work with teachers, tutors and health professionals to extend learning into living. The goal is resilient graduates, who are confident as young adults and believe in themselves; they show this through reduced reliance on others and through self-advocacy.

    Ourstudents enjoy learning and they love our college, so we do have a lot to smileabout. We are a close knit team and would welcome new colleagues to be part ofthis enabling, empowering and equipping world of supporting students to fulfiltheir potential.