For some students working on the ‘Life and Vocational Pathway’ accessing a work placement is an important part of their programme and it provides them with the opportunity to learn relevant work skills in real vocational environments.
Without the support that we have from local employers who provide us with work placement opportunities, students would not have access to such rewarding and life enriching experiences. As such Beaumont College would like to send a huge message of thanks and appreciation to all our work place providers old, longstanding and new in Lancaster, Carlisle, Blackpool and Barrow!
As inclusive employers’ you help to change lives by enabling our students to shine and you help show the wider public the incredible difference that disabled young people can bring to a workforce, if given the chance.
It is always a pleasure to see students working.
Oliver, a young man in his third year, works so confidently behind the counter in a local café; serving customers. His customer service is impeccable and he demonstrates the epitome of ‘service with a smile’. The staff at the café are appreciative of the work that he is able to contribute and one customer stated, “Last week he was making drinks and now he is using the till. He is doing so well.”
Sarah, a second year student, is working at a local nursery in Carnforth. Amidst the mass of excitement and furore that this ensues, it is clear that Sarah has her eye very much on the safety of the toddlers and gives gentle reminders to them to play safely and share with each other. Sarah explains, “The children weren’t so sure about my wheelchair at first but now they are used to it and treat me like any other person.” She is professional, articulate and clearly proud of how much she has grown in confidence since starting her placement in September. On talking to the manager of the nursery, she gave shining praise of Sarah and explained how she has made a big impact on how the children understand wheelchair users.
Jessica works in the housekeeping department at a busy four-star hotel in Lancaster. She is and careful and thorough in her work and is valued by the hotel team. Jessica explained, “I used to feel nervous when I first started going to work but now I know what I’m doing and I like making the rooms look clean.”
Chloe, a student at Barrow, has just started her work placement at a local dog kennels and despite caring for and walking the dogs in the impending wind and rain that Cumbria inevitably hands to us, her passion for animals and eagerness to work never diminishes her commitment and sense of pride to do her job properly. “I just love going to work and being with the animals and the staff at the kennels.”
These lived experiences are only a small sample taken from a group of young people who are regularly accessing high quality work placements. Their confidence shines through and the skills and knowledge they are supported to learn has a massive impact on the growth of their self-esteem. All the students explain that they enjoy feeling that they are part of their local community and that this is very important to them.
Thanks again to collaboration between college staff and work place providers for making sure our young disabled people thrive and gain vocational skills that will prepare them for the world of work.
– Julia Park, Education Manager